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Holli Coulman, a regarded professional has. Conquered significant obstacles, on her path to becoming a leader in the realm of womens prison reform. Following a career in corporate settings Holli encountered a critical moment where her integrity was questioned leading to her involvement in a federal investigation. Ultimately she admitted guilt. Was convicted of wire fraud.
While serving time in confinement Holli seized the opportunity to enhance her education and personal development. She obtained certification as an American Bar Association Paralegal, which opened doors for her employment at a law firm in April 2017. Since then she has held roles with known government entities like the Dallas County Public Defender’s Office, Dallas City Attorney’s Office and the Texas ACLU.
Motivated by her advocacy fervor and belief in the power of written expression Holli launched an acknowledged blog focusing on issues like womens safety during incarceration and related topics. Regrettably her civil activism attracted actions from the Bureau of Prisons that led to her spending two months in confinement.
Today Holli Coulman is recognized as one of the esteemed Womens Prison Consultants. Through consultancy platforms for prisons she offers advice and assistance, to families and individuals navigating the complexities of imprisonment.
Hollis knowledge goes beyond education and awareness. She offers a range of services, including pre and post release strategies, clemency processes, appeals, coursework and compassionate releases.
Known for her role, in advocating for womens prison reform Holli is frequently invited to speak at womens conferences. Her valuable insights contribute to discussions on criminal justice reform and the rights of incarcerated women. Holli actively engages with organizations like the Women’s Prison Association (WPA) and the Voice of Women demonstrating a commitment to her causes and striving to make an impact.
Despite facing challenges in the past Holli Coulmans dedication to prison reform her expertise as a consultant and her advocacy for the rights and well being of incarcerated women have established her as an respected figure, in her field.