Wall Street Prison Consultants


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Larry Levine,
 America’s First Prison Consultant

Wall Street Prison Consultants | Federal Booking Process

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Wall Street Prison Consultants | Federal Booking Process
Wall Street Prison Consultants | Federal Booking Process
Wall Street Prison Consultants | Federal Booking Process
Wall Street Prison Consultants | Federal Booking Process
Wall Street Prison Consultants | Federal Booking Process
Wall Street Prison Consultants | Federal Booking Process
Arrest Booking Process

So, you’re arrested. What next? They don’t take you for a coffee; instead, you’re headed straight to the nearest federal facility for booking. This isn’t a leisurely process—it’s systematic and thorough, designed to dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s. At the federal level, processing starts with the basics: they’ll take your personal information, like name, birthdate, and physical characteristics. Think of it like the least fun ID card you’ve ever had to make. They’re documenting who you are, officially entering you into the system.

1. Mugshots Next up, mugshots. You’ll stand against a blank wall, probably feeling like a celebrity on the worst kind of red carpet, while they snap photos from the front and side. These photos will be part of your federal record, so smile might not be your first instinct, but it’s definitely a memorable photoshoot.

2. Fingerprinting Then comes fingerprinting. Every finger, every angle. These prints go into a national database. It’s not just for their records; it’s to check if your prints pop up in any other investigations nationwide.

3. Property Inventory Whatever you have on you at the time of your arrest gets cataloged and stored—wallet, keys, even the lint in your pockets. If you’re carrying something illegal, that’s just more evidence for them. But don’t worry, your personal items get bagged and tagged, not tossed.

4. The Full Search This part’s less glamorous. They’ll do a full-body search to make sure you’re not carrying any weapons or contraband. It’s about safety, theirs and yours. Every pocket, every seam, and yes, it gets personal.

5. Health Screening They also do a quick health check. They’ll ask about medical conditions, medications, and maybe even give you a quick once-over to make sure you don’t have any immediate health needs. It’s not a full physical, but they need to ensure you’re fit for the holding facility.

6. Placement in Holding Finally, you’re placed in a holding cell, usually with others who are also having the worst day of their lives. This is just temporary—a place to stay until your initial court appearance, which has to happen pretty quickly, usually within 48 hours, depending on the timing of your arrest.

Throughout this process, it’s all business. The officers and agents are doing their jobs, following procedures that ensure everything is legal and by-the-book. For you, it’s about getting through step by step, awaiting what comes next in the legal battle ahead.

So, that’s the scoop—no fluff, just the straight deal on how the feds handle the booking and arrest process. It’s thorough, it’s procedural, and it’s definitely not the highlight of anyone’s day.

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